Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO
(ESRB - Standard)
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive: PS5 Slim (CFI-20xx models) and PS5 Pro (CFI-70xx models), require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.
Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS5
Ver 1.000.000
Spine ID: 2110067
Disc ID: PPSA-15211
Voice: English and Japanese
-FPS drops observed when a large amount of effects are on screen or when large amounts of the environments are destroyed quickly.
-No FPS or Fidelity options are available.
-When playing tournaments with the "Ring out" option set to Yes the AI will frequently ring out themselves.
-When the AI is too far away from the player the AI will dash back and forth until the player attacks or gets close again.
-When playing the game for several hours the FPS will suffer from severe drops and menus will stutter.
-During a few matches when using a special the camera would position itself below the map and slowly return to the players position.
-When trying to load a custom tournament in world tournament mode the menu will become unresponsive. To get around this select edit>Player Character Restrictions>Press the Circle button twice. You should be able to navigate the menu and start your custom tournament.
Additional Info
-Split screen is available on disc with only one stage available as advertised by the developer.
-Difficulty select is available in most modes however the only way to change difficulty during episodes is to lose a match several times.